[Server] Bluecherry Version 2.0-RC1 released!

This release adds support for Debian Squeeze and resolves a critical issue with zombie processes caused by email notifications, even when a camera isn’t configured to send email notifications.  This also fixes a problem with sending outgoing email notifications to some gmail servers, where it was automatically rejected.

You will now see a section for ‘License keys’.  Soon we will start generating license keys and emailing those out to customers who have pre-purchased Version 2.  Haven’t purchased a license key yet?  Click here to solve that problem!

Note:  This is a release candidate.  If you have problems with please report them as soon as possible. 

It is important that you upgrade to this release as soon as possible, as beta9.7.2 will expire June 15th.  Beta 2.0-RC1 will expire on July 3rd.

Information on how to upgrade to this release can be found on our Knowledge Base.

Help us spread the news about Bluecherry!  Click here to update your Twitter status and help promote us!

Questions or Comments?  Fixed our new community page getsatisfaction.com/bluecherry/ 

The following bugs are fixed in this release:

Bug #1116: php-mail dependency causes installation failure on Ubuntu Server
Bug #1117: web: mailer use of arbitrary from address may be rejected by some services
Bug #1120: Event notification causes zombie PHP processes

The following features are added in this release:


Feature #788: server: Handle License keys from the database and limit cameras per
Feature #789: web: Page to handle adding/removing/verifying license keys
Feature #1119: Packages for Debian systems with sysvinit