Bluecherry – Client 2.2.2 released

This releases resolves fixes several crashes reported in the 2.2.1 release along with adding support back for MJPEG as an alternative streaming method for the client.  This release also adds support for digital zoom during event playback and gives more precise event searching during event browser.

As always you can download the client on our website, or run ‘sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install bluecherry-client’ on Ubuntu / Debian systems.  Optionally you can build the latest client yourself by downloading the source code here (

The following features are added in this release:

* More precise events range selection in event browser
* Fixed bug – changed playback speed was ignored after restarting playback in event player
* Zoom in event player
* Added option for disabling notifications about new Bluecherry client versions
The following bugs are fixed in this release:
* Bug #236: Fixed documentation URL in Help -> Documentation menu item
* Bug #231: Fixed broken MJPEG liveview
* Fixed crash on closing event player