In 2.1 we added the ability to pull live video using third party RTSP applications.  This means that you no longer have to use MJPEG to view video and can use VLC on the desktop or IP Cam Viewer on mobile devices.  Below are some screenshots in VLC and in IP Cam Viewer on setting up a RTSP connection.


File -> Open Network:

The path will be: rtsp://username:password@hostname:7002/live/<deviceid>

Replace the username:password with your login and password (Default is admin:bluecherry)
Replace <deviceid> with the numerical device id number found in web administrator area of our software (Devices -> IP camera OR Bluecherry capture card -> id: X)

Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 7.59.18 PM

IP Cam Viewer:

Add camera -> Generic URL -> Model: Generic RTSP over TCP

In the URL field add: rtsp://hostname:7002/live/<deviceid>

Replace <deviceid> with the numerical device id number found in web administrator area of our software (Devices -> IP camera OR Bluecherry capture card -> id: X)

Fill in the username and password fields accordingly  (Default is admin:bluecherry)


If you have any questions please ask on our community!